Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Erica Johnson Debeljak for "Blind Spots"
2nd-place winner:
Mary Morrissy for "The Scream"
3rd-place winner:
Eric Scot Tryon for "A Handful of Ones"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Ignatius Aloysius for "Conversations with My Mother"
Adin Bookbinder for "Meteorology"
Adam Davis for "Settling"
Susan Davis for "Baby Mother"
Annie Dawid for "Millenium Fete"
Alison Espach for "In August We WIll"
Cee Gregory for "Melting at Both Ends"
Katie Hammersly for "Counting Waves"
Ingrid Hill for "Elvis in Wurzburg"
BJ Hollars for "Westward Expansion"
Carol Howell for "Sourballs"
Nahal Jamir for "Stories My Mother Told Me"
Deborah Ken for "Dr. Wong's New Year Party"
Meghan Kenny for "I'll Tell You What"
Christine Lehner for "Ribbons Fever/Lehner.doc"
Joshua Manuel for "Roots in My Family's Business"
Leah McCormack for "Bearing"
Susan Messer for "Terms"
Randy Nelson for "The Quarry"
James Sprouse for "Kaddish"
Shimon Tanaka for "The Alligator Wrestler"
Kristin vanNamen for "The Weight of Grief"