Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Michael Schiavone for "No One Comes Up Here By Accident"
2nd-place winner:
Jackie Thomas-Kennedy for "The Bridge Is Moving"
3rd-place winner:
Debbie Weingarten for "Precarious Things"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Nina Badzin for "A Fresh Life"
Jeff Bender for "Diet"
Laura Bramon Good for "Tabernacle"
Karen Campbell for "Ordinary Time"
Mallory Chesser for "Ark"
Daniel Cray for "What About the Weather?"
Keylan Massiell Gomez for "For the Forgotten Men in My Family"
Margaret Hermes for "Daughters of Eve"
Connemara James for "Conflagration"
Beth Kander for "Big Mamaw"
Thomas E. Kennedy for "Father and Son"
Richard Knight for "Atlantic Flats"
Rebecca Maizel for "How We Lit The Place"
Vikas Mathur for "The Weight"
Maggie Maurer for "Mississippi"
Jolene McIlwain for "Seeds"
Julie Myers for "Interference"
David Regenspan for "Possum"
Anthony Roesch for "Face of Sunset"
Asako Serizawa for "Emigrants"
Rachel Somerstein for "The Yichud Room"
Paul Weidknecht for "After a Quick Review of Jeremy Proehl's Whole Life"