Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Nina Rubinstein Alonso for "Murray and Me"
Joseph Babcock for "Dungeon"
Harrison Cheung for "The Witness"
Katie Cortese for "Hide and Seek"
Tara Deal for "Fourteen Figments"
Cynthia Dorfman for "Ready"
Joseph Downing for "A Day in the Sun"
Dennis Fiudo for "A Few Words About a Trip"
Nina Glickman for "Match"
Katie Gutierrez for "Antivenin"
Kim Henderson for "A Rising"
Henry T. Huneycutt for "The North Bend"
Patty Joslyn for "Cinco"
Denise Kline for "Lemons"
Cynthia Litz for "Oxycontin"
Eileen Malone for "In Half Light"
John Mazor for "All There Is"
Jeff McConaghy for "Mickie and Me"
Fiona McFarlane for "The Movie People"
Elliza McGrand for "Three Horses"
Christopher Mote for "Variations on Black and White"
Maura Naughton for "Crazy Stew"
Yael Nussbaum for "How I Began Writing"
Margaret Welman Paez for "Bela O’Neill Wins a Prize but Does Not Understand Why"
Rachel Estrada Ryan for "Hungry"
Gabriel Shpilt for "The Morning Of"
Trellan Smith for "A Leg to Stand On"
John Standfield for "Questions and Answers"
Adam Sturtevant for "Do You Smell That?"
Jasmine Szabo-Knox for "Circus Meat"
Jaclyn Thomas for "Hello to Rose"
Thomas Ventimiglia for "The Immigrant"
Lucy Warner for "The Red and the Black"