MAY 2012
Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Ali Ahmed for "In the Arms of Home"
Nina Rubinstein Alonso for "MG, VW"
Faren Bachelis for "Only Happiness"
Jodi Barnes for "All That Is Seen and Unseen"
Rosie Bartel for "No Goodbye"
Ian Bassingthwaighte for "Reichelt's Parachute"
Kathleen Brady for "Whispering"
Erica Ciccarone "Hold Me, Wojtek"
Jorge Contreras for "The Distraction of Wilmer Greenleaf"
Liz Donnelly for "Waking"
Emmy Duffy-Comparone for "Sure, Fine"
Daniela Edwards for "Nan"
Sydnee Elliot for "A False Start"
Tope Folarin for "Genesis"
E. A. Fow for "Frederickshavn or Bust"
Robert Froese for "Eva"
Anna Gates for "Eidolon"
Emily Grekin for "Newport Shores"
Jenny Halper for "Boulevard"
Jamie Hare for "Passing Out in a Car"
Jane Hertenstein for "Insomnia"
Carol Hood for "White Alien"
Seamus Horn for "From Winter to Winter Again"
Lei Hu for "End of the Sky and Edge of the Sea"
David Kayler for "Neighborhood"
Alyssa Kopanyi for "Tantrums"
Jenn Lyman for "Two Old Fools"
Jennifer McCauley for "Home Ghosts"
Michael Minchin for "My Father Eating"
Spencer Nadler for "An Unexpected Death"
Nicole Pasquarello for "Sirens Underwater"
John Pistelli for "How People Live"
Steve Quinn for "A Season of Mondays"
Jennifer Riemenschneider for "Mystery Spot"
Mary Jane Roberts-Evans for "Stick Figures"
Andrea Ruggirello for "Acorns"
Jeffrey Shaman for "Aspects of Love"
Lynn Stansbury for "The End of the World"
Jillian Thompson for "Blue Fowl"
William Walker for "Orange Flowers"