JULY 2012
Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Josh Swiller for "Suddenly, The Apocalypse"
2nd-place winner:
Chad Schuster for "A Warning to the Cycling Community"
3rd-place winner:
June Edelstein for "Nails"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Nancy Au for "Lincoln Chan: Pear King"
Holly Dale Bern for "Send Us the Snake Charmer"
Elysha Chang for "Monkey Brains"
Jennifer Davis for "Deals with God"
Bill Edmondson for "His Life After the War"
Therese Eiben for "Chekhov Said"
Val Emmich for "The Man Who Walks Backwards in the Park"
Soma Mei Sheng Frazier for "Shita e Mairimasu: Four Stories"
William Gaythwaite for "Snapshot"
Jamie Hare for "Self Medication"
Tamar Harris for "Ana"
Maria Jagodka for "The Virgin of Boulder, Colorado"
Barb Johnson for "Everyone in San Francisco Is Like That"
Rachael Katz for "A Roar"
Heidi Kraay for "Running from Magic"
Joan Leegant for "Bus"
Carmen Machado for "Blue"
Julie Brock Reeves for "Going Where"
Raonaid Ryn for "Fate"
Matthew Salesses for "What We Know"
Thelma Lydia Santoro-Lumpkin for "The Orientals"
Adam Soto for "Winter Counts"