Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Cynthia Beal for "A Hot Spell"
Holly Dale Bern for "Pictures of Heaven"
Brian Booker for "Here to Watch Over Me"
Sam Bove for "Spring Apples"
Jimmy Cajoleas for "Through Dry Places, Seeking Rest"
Timothy Chin for "Kon-Tiki"
Annie Dawid for "Kenny, Winking"
Lisa Doublestein for "Touching Root in Bone"
Kathleen Ford for "Saskatchewan"
Patricia Foster for "If You Knew Us"
William Gaythwaite for "Jill's Trees"
Tim Hurd for "Hydra"
Surya Kalsi for "Kuchaji"
Gil Kazimirov for "The First Tuesday of Every Month"
Bo Kearns for "Letter to Phoebe"
George Keithley for "The Boat Baby"
Tom Lorenz for "Midnight, Blue Note, Dirty Martinis"
Louise Marburg for "Dying Is a Long Way from Dead"
Margaret Milnes for "The Year of the Gas Shortage"
Iheoma Nwachukwu for "Nineteen-ninety"
Barbara Olson for "On the Rez"
David Torrey Peters for "The Great Chicago Flood"
Arthur Plotnik for "Shards"
Dennis Quinn for "The Girl Electricity Shunned"
Elissa Rust for "Aluminum"
Thelma Lydia Santoro-Lumpkin for "Off Side"
Roger Sheffer for "Smoke"
Mahtem Shiferraw for "The River"
Melissa Sipin for "The Salt in the Snails"
Roxanne Stone for "My Sister"
Tina Tenenbaum for "Heading to Heartbreak Hotel"
Aaron Tillman for "Vacancy"
Jack Wang for "The Night of Broken Glass"
Patricia Whyman for "Dubrovnik 1989"
Whitney Wimbish for "Alternate Ending"
David Wolfford for "Choosing the Loser"
Geoff Wyss for "Rogue Hemlocks"
Yasin Yakub for "City of Gardens"