Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Maureen Aitken for "Erin of Detroit"
Natalie Bakopoulos for "A History of Water"
James Bennett for "Lazarus"
William Black for "Susquehanna"
Brian Booker for "Brace for Impact"
Renee Branum for "As the Sparks Fly Upward"
Ari Braverman for "Froth"
Evie Bromiley for "A Small Instrument of Flight"
Ann Marie Brzozowski for "The Black Dog"
Dorothy Burris for "A Certain Color"
Margaret Chen for "Icicles"
Chris de Souza for "It Echoed"
Chase Dearinger for "It Was a Sweatbox Day in June"
James English for "No One Calls Me Chris"
Anita Felicelli for "The Night Safari"
William Gaythwaite for "Dear Thaddeus"
Melanie Hanson for "Evidence of Life"
Amanda Henkel for "Venus, Retrograde"
Eric Howerton for "The Mouberth Child"
Barb Johnson for "Beggars and Choosers"
Timur Karaca for "Object"
John Keller for "Croque-madam, Bónh mì, Torta
Susan Land for "The Solace of Grammar"
David Lee for "The Gappadoko"
Monica Macansantos for "Stopover"
Twister Marquiss for "Inclination of the Free Radical"
Alexandra Marshall for "The Fertility God"
Marissa Mazek for "Caves"
Bruce McAllister for "Stealing God"
Michael Mulvey for "A Fistful of Honey Grass"
Jason Nafziger for "Sea Glass"
Jonathan Phinney for "Severed"
Steven Polansky for "By the Sea"
Kyle Roberts for "The Sound of Heaven Touching Earth"
Aurelian Roeg for "Mouth Cut in Many Places by My Teeth"
Patrick Roscoe for "Always More"
Elena Sanchez for "Fall in Seoul"
Elena Sigman for "What Falls into the Deep Is Lost Forever"
Mary Sojourner for "Geraniums"
Charles Valentine for "How to Make It in Big Business"
Siamak Vossoughi for "The Truth and Reconciliation Committee"
Jin Zhao for "Split"