Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
John D. Adkisson for "I Love You So, I Always Will"
Maureen T. Aitken for "Wishes"
Jackie M. Allison for "In the Company of Greater Men"
Vinessa M. Anthony for "Then Someone Moves the Ground"
Sheila M. Arndt for "Galileo"
Gil Arzola for "Eight Months"
Samantha Atkins for "The Kitchen Table"
Joan B. Baker for "Isaiah"
Eric Barnes for "A Stranger Even to Herself"
Siobhan Barry for "World Without End"
Marni L. Berger for "Edge of the Road with Lydia Jones"
Howard Berman for "Sun Down, Prayer"
Craig J. Bernardini for "Trees Go to Heaven"
Jack E. Brooks for "Hungover in the Minimart, at the Lemons"
Jennifer Brown for "Broken Heart Syndrome"
Zeeva I. Bukai for "The Abandoning"
Leslie E. Carlin for "Copacetic"
Trent T. Chabot for "People Sitting in the Dark"
Hi-Dong Chai for "My Brother, Hi-Seung"
Dorothy S. Chan for "Letters"
Rebecca A. Chekouras for "Frog Eyes"
Chuka Susan Chesney for "Her Brother's Death"
Kira J. Compton for "You Break Your Teeth on Harlem Avenue"
Michael Cope for "Three Little Relations"
Lindsey Crittenden for "Plenty and Wonder"
Susanne M. Davis for "From Rural America, My Brother on Heroin"
Jacob M. DeVoogd for "Has One Ever Felt the Beginning of Motion?"
Maryna B. Doody-Sullivan for "Disconnect"
Robert Duncan for "Epistle to Oh"
Erik M. DuRon for "The Great Blizzard of 1982"
Robert M. Dzik for "Rearranging the Animals in a Manger"
Gautam Emani for "A Raconteur of the Fam"
Carter W. Foster for "Drowning"
Catherine C. Foulkrod for "Tap Driving"
Kristin M. Fulp for "Duty"
Ellen D. George for "What You Know"
Ronald L. Gephart for "Cosmo Yarrow Blows His Brains Out"
Jane B. Gillette for "The Chair"
Beth S. Gilstrap for "Turbulent Like May, Wet Like June"
Nathan Go for "Minnows"
Kristina Gorcheva-Newberry for "A Lullaby for My Father"
Donna Gordon for "Blood Moon"
Joshua D. Graber for "Instructions for Survival"
Jason Grotto for "Baboon"
Colin Hamilton for "Mastodons"
Jennifer Hanno for "Tilting at Windmills"
Emory Harkins for "Back to Providence"
Kristen A. Havens for "A Map of China"
Patricia R. Herold for "The 12th of Nowhere"
Ben Hinshaw for "Brazil and Back"
Bill Hogg for "Duke"
Dan Hong for "The Space Between"
Janet Hong for "Run, Honey!"
Nusrat Hossain for "Wild"
Landon Houle for "About Those Planes"
Janis Hubschman for "A Confusion"
David Huddle for "The Arrival of John Robert"
Neil D. Isaacs for "They Were the Fiedlers"
Benjamin C. Jenkins for "Headdressing"
Baylea Jones for "Dad & I"
Susan T. Jones for "Meteors"
Linda E. Keyes for "Relief Work"
Nathalie Kramer for "Lucky"
Vijay Lakshmi for "Homecoming"
Ruth Lang for "Deer Season"
Taylor Lannamann for "Hammer & File"
Dina Lee for "A Sure Bet"
Joan Leegant for "The Book of Splendor"
Linda Legters for "Close to Perfect"
Laurie Levy for "Omaha"
Amanda Lewan for "Jak Sie Masz?"
Sara Luzuriaga for "The Girl Who Smiled"
Conor Robin Madigan for "Bees from Mouth to Field"
Albert Malvehy for "The Bastards"
Terrance Manning, Jr. for "Cherries"
Stephanie Manova for "The Gate on the Atlantic"
Patrick May for "Secondary Character"
Antonia Mehler for "Reunion"
Joan Mora for "Half a Family"
Ellen Birkett Morris for "Like I Miss Not Being a Ballerina"
Mary Morrissy for "The Manoeuvre"
Lelia Moskowitz for "Mother House"
Maura Mostowy-Gallagher for "Crazy Over Love"
Amita Murray for "Mutton Curry"
Ngan Nguyen for "The Springroll I Want to Become"
Cécile Oumhani for "The Summer We Went to Canada"
Peter Parsons for "Having Breakfast in the Family Tomb"
Lina Patton for "Among Rice Paddies"
Shirley Phillips for "Parting Gifts"
Mark Ryan Pomeroy for "The Tsunami"
Patricia Poteat for "Pin Curls"
Moshe Prigan for "Meg One Percent"
Jared Prima for "Uncle John"
Jamie Quatro for "Dirt Man"
Ilene Raymond Rush for "Howl"
Arianna Rebolini for "What the Shovel Can and Cannot Reach"
Thelma Reyna for "Quilt"
Emily Rinkema for "Child A"
Allie Rivulet for "Say Less"
Patrick Roscoe for "The Death of Judy Garland"
Joshua Rupp for "Should the Water Reach the Stairs"
James Saunders for "Coming Home"
Jeremy Scheuer for "Leopard Hunting in the Okavango"
Leigh Claire Schmidli for "Little to Do with Rain"
Sambudha Sen for "Alopishi and I"
Hank Snelgrove for "Party Line"
Lynn Stansbury for "Old Wars"
Hannah Stewart for "Dead Dog Canyon"
David Sugarman for "Manhattan II"
Nathan Szajnberg for "My Father Does Not Live in America."
Michael Caleb Tasker for "My Father Lives This Way"
Hillary Tiefer for "The Brooch"
Aaron Tillman for "Chronicles of a Kitchen Wall"
Brandon Timm for "Lawn Donkey"
Becky Tuch for "The Light That Illuminates Everything in the World"
Debbie Urbanski for "Are You Ready To Go"
Austin Van Tassel for "Smoke Monster"
Michael Varga for "The Year of the Snake"
Marc Vincenti for "An Impractical Dog"
Polly Vinograd for "Dowry"
Siamak Vossoughi for "The Sunflower Stage"
Vladimir Vulovic for "Diploma"
Elaine Walker for "A Sister's Story"
Jacob Wegelin for "A Gray Tarpaulin"
Charlene Wexler for "A Letter to My Parents"
Suzanne Whedon for "The Daughter of the Cat Lady"
Brittany Williams for "Synesthesia"
Raymond Wong for "The Truest Thing"
Frank Wright for "Moving to Mills Avenue"
Rolf Yngve for "Benedictions"
Marina Zamorina for "Fishing"