Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Arianna Reiche for "Archive Warden"
2nd-place winner:
Randolph Thomas for "Heir Apparent"
3rd-place winner:
Sharon Solwitz for "We Enter History"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Jenessa Abrams for "The Pigeon Hunt"
Timothy DeLizza for "I Cannot Help You With This"
Jonathan Durbin for "Parliament Lights"
Sujatha Fernandes for "Yellow Girlfriend"
Emily Harnden for "Zero to Egg to Love"
Emmet Hirsch for "In Every Generation"
Tyrell Johnson for "Flyboy"
Reeves Keyworth for "The Clinging Fire"
Jon Logan-Rung for "Laughing and Crying the Whole Way Home"
Lee Martin for "Rooftop View"
Sean McCarthy for "The Wreckage"
Lee Montgomery for "Distant Heart"
Kent Nelson for "Puzzle"
Emily Pease for "Primitive"
Matthew Pitt for "Meet the Standards"
Alyssa Proujansky for "Bad Math"
Steve Sanders for "Texoma"
Courtney Sender for "For Somebody So Scared"
Daniel Stolar for "Big Ball Kids"
Kareem Tayyar for "The Revolution of Heavenly Bodies"
Jeremy Wilson for "Florida Power and Light"
Xi Xu for "2016 The Political Year"