Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Les Myers for "Beth Nine"
2nd-place winner:
Katrin Gibb for "A History of Regressing"
3rd-place winner:
Emily Greenberg for "From the Eyes of Travelers"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Steve Amick for "Floreana"
Alexander Barry for "Saguaro"
Michael Byers for "Keepsakes"
Anne Cullen for "An Illustrated History of Catastrophes"
Therese Eiben for "Love You, Bye"
Justina Elias for "Intimates"
Rune Froseth for "First Four Months"
Philip Gallos for "Snit's Wife"
Ellen Goff for "My Old Kentucky Home"
D Gordon for "Longacres"
Gabe Herron for "The Gamekeeper of Grayscrag"
Travis Holland for "So Long, It's Been Good to Know You"
Laura Jok for "Subject Matter Experts"
Samsun Knight for "Flight"
Emily Lackey for "Trust Me"
Catherine Madsen for "You Will Not Find It Poison"
Mitch Martin for "Riboflavin"
Jennie Melamed for "Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Let Me In"
Ellen Schwed for "Ugly Baby"
Becky Tuch for "Acts of War"
Katherine Vaz for "The Prizes Within a King's Cake"
Anne Vinsel for "Uber Ali"