Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Marilyn Abildskov for "What Shade of White"
Elias Andreopoulos for "Gloversville Hoping"
Daniel Beauregard for "Lycanthropy & Collective Guilt"
Nicole Beckley for "Sex Tips for the End of the World"
Aisha Bhoori for "A Woman Like Maasi"
Nicholas Bourbaki for "Us and Them: A History"
Susannah Boyed for "Newspaper Man"
Branden Boyer-White for "Ashore"
Alex Brenner for "Christmas, 1996"
Eric Brittingham for "V"
Rebecca Chekouras for "Extremes of Human Endurance"
Paul Corning for "Purple"
James Crouch for "Between the Times"
Amy Everett for "Imperfect Carriers"
Ethan Feuer for "Whatever Happened to Adam Lowe"
Kathryn Fisher for "The Bluebloods"
Emily Fox for "Jumpers"
Christopher Fuller for "Head Trauma"
David Gauly for "Misunderstood"
Makenna Goodman for "The Good Neighbor"
Jesse Goulard for "The Last Honeybee"
Linda Guyette for "Letters to Colin Powell"
Morgan Hall for "Underground Boyfriend"
Alysia Han for "Raw Potatoes"
Michael-Patrick Harrington for "Mount Rock"
Christine Henneberg for "Can I Hold Her"
Lauren Hohle for "Mother Road"
Lindsey Hoover for "Holding Hands with the Dead"
Patrick James for "Ezra"
Alexander Joseph for "A Day That Should Have Been Good"
Hillary Kaylor for "Fox Fire"
Christine Kindberg for "Alejandro"
John Kuligowski for "You Never Really Leave"
Rachel Litchman for "Act Three"
Brian Loo for "In the Wide Open Air"
Trong-Anh Mai for "The Fourth Country"
Jolene McIlwain for "Loosed"
Amelia McNally for "Four Men in Ski Masks"
Lissa Miller for "The First Edwin"
Carolyn Moore for "What You See When"
Amelia Morand for "Things We Carry"
Alex Muller for "Five Cornish Game Hens"
JoAnneh Nagler for "Asa at the Foundry"
Kaitlyn Nash for "The Rayburn Browning Effect"
Marissa Neilson for "Patches of Grass"
Kurt Osenbaugh for "Genius for a Day"
Vincent Paiement Désilets for "A Bad Night to Be Out"
Emily Pegg for "Check Yes for Yes, Check No for Maybe"
Will Pei for "Taken"
Carlos Perona Calvete for "Enkidu"
Adam Petrek for "Star Has Fallen on Our Balcony"
Claudia Piepenburg for "Where Do We Go from Here?"
Stan Pollakoff for "Be a Man"
Benjamin Reed for "The World as You Know It"
Tammie Rice for "Along the Way"
Michael Richard for "Kingdom of Heaven"
Meg Richman for "Bluenowski"
Connor Rudynski for "All Dogs Go"
Mary Salisbury for "The Drop Off"
Rachel Sargent for "Expatriation"
Joanne Saxon for "Finding Jesus"
Rachel Setear for "Last Time at the Emergency Vet"
Guadalupe Sexto for "JP"
Alice Shechter for "Dharamsala Child"
Alexandra Sladky for "Waking Up"
Ryan Elliott Smith for "The Noise of Youth"
Benjamin Soileau for "All of Me"
Charlie Stephens for "What the Ex Broke"
Ana Tapia for "Estela"
Jayshiro Tashiro for "Mendocino"
Tatiana Tatarchevskiy for "The Fur Coat"
Audrey Toth for "Leasing Season"
Emily Updegraff for "Introduction"
K.C. Vance for "Timeshare"
Sean Ward for "The Night Watch"
Tanya Ward for "Six Weeks to a Better You"
Alexis Wright for "Subdermal"
Fawzy Zablah for "100 Ways to Propose to a Married Woman"
Wendy Zierler for "First Knowledge"