Top-25 Winners and Finalists​
1st-place winner:
Stanley Delgado for "Bicho, Bicha"
2nd-place winner:
Mary Hong for "Cuts and Wounds"
3rd-place winner:
Caitlin Killion for "Washing Dishes"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Jenessa Abrams for "On Forgetting"
Paul Allison for "Lucky"
Graham Arnold for "She's All Right"
D. Avraham for "Well Adjusted"
Sean Bernard for "On the Delegation of Household Chores: Two Competing Theories and Also More Theories"
Leah Dawson for "Lunar Flesh, Clove Hitch"
Leonora Desar for "On Scars"
Abby Frucht for "Night Skool"
Amina Gautier for "Clave"
Patricia Henley for "Three Projects"
Erica Henry for "In Bed Today"
John Paul Jaramillo for "Poca Loca"
Kathleen Lane for "Terminal Velocity"
Niamh MacCabe for "Malachy"
Caroline Mansour for "Unable to Sleep"
Jon Mozes for "The Foyer"
Emmilea O'Toole for "Peaches in Winter"
Peg Paugh for "Wreckage Riders"
Stephen Policoff for "Blue like an Evening Cloud"
Matthew Prescott for "The Price of Wheat"
Arthur Russell for "Rachel"
Weike Wang for "Car for Sale"